December, 2015 (Issue #11)Dave Pulliam – Dave Pulliam lives in the Pacific Northwest with his beautiful wife, two year old son, and three teenage step children who never stop making him laugh. He works as a mental health therapist mostly to support his out of control comic book habit. He finds time to write whenever he can and owes a tremendous debt to his editor and writing partner, Bryan Borgelt, whose tireless critiques make his stories presentable.
Lisa Shapter – Lisa Shapter is an alumna of the Bread Loaf Young Writers’ Conference and a member of Codex Writers’ Group. She lives in New England and is completing a series of novels set in this story’s universe. Her novella A Day In Deep Freeze was published by Aqueduct Press. Her play "The Other Two Men" about these characters' far-future clones will be performed this summer at The Players' Ring in Portsmouth, NH. Her work has appeared in Black Denim Lit, Four Star Stories, Kaleidotrope, and in the M-Brane-SF anthology, Things We Are Not. Katherine Boehm – Katherine graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with a double major degree in English and Film. She participated in poetry contests in high school, which got her published in A Celebration of Young Poets Canada- Fall 2006, and the 2005 edition of From a Mountain Top. She also contributed to the September 2012 edition of Blueprint Magazine, and to Wilfrid Laurier University's Drabble keepsake book in honor of the university's 100 year anniversary. Katherine plays too many board games and tends to extend jokes until they stop being funny. Lisa Chavez – Lisa D. Chavez fell in love with fairy tales and fantasy at a very young age, when her grandparents encouraged her by buying her a storybook a week. She never lost that love of the magical, and this is her first published fantasy story. She has also published two books of poetry, Destruction Bay and In An Angry Season, and had essays in a variety of magazines and anthologies including The Other Latin@: Writing Against a Singular Identity, and An Angle of Vision: Women Writers on their Poor and Working Class Roots. She grew up in Alaska and currently lives in New Mexico, with her husband and four Japanese dogs. Find her online at Jennifer Pruiett-Selby – A woman of contradictions, Jennifer J. Pruiett-Selby joined the military to find peace. Afterwards, she earned a Master's in English from Iowa State University of Science and Technology. She lives a life of anything but intrigue with her husband, poet Jason Selby, and five children in rural Iowa. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in CALYX, RED RIVER REVIEW, SUBTERRANEAN QUARTERLY and MATTER MONTHLY, among others. She was the featured author for March 2014 in LUNCH TICKET'S monthly issue of "Amuse-Bouche." Rhoads Brazos – Rhoads lacks his wife’s classiness, his son’s genius, and his house cat’s fearsome nature. His life is a simple one, Rockwellian with a touch of morbid fancy. Somehow, his work has seeped into this anthology and other unknowing venues, including: Apex Magazine, Death’s Realm Anthology, and Gaia: Shadow & Breath Anthology. Tara Saunders – Tara Saunders lives in a little house at the edge of a deep, dark wood. Stories whisper to her when she sleeps but dance away when she tries to catch them. She shares the dance with far too many cats and dogs, and with just the right number of childen. You can find her on Twitter at @_Tara_Saunders_ Jeffrey Somers – Jeff Somers is the author of Lifers, the Avery Cates series from Orbit Books, Chum from Tyrus Books, and the Ustari Cycle from Pocket/Gallery, including We Are Not Good People. Jeff’s published over thirty short stories as well; his story “Sift, Almost Invisible, Through” appeared in the anthology Crimes by Moonlight, published by Berkley Hardcover and edited by Charlaine Harris and his story “Ringing the Changes” was selected for Best American Mystery Stories 2006. Terry Sanville – Terry Sanville lives in San Luis Obispo, California with his artist-poet wife (his in-house editor) and one plump cat (his in-house critic). He writes full time, producing short stories, essays, poems, and novels. Since 2005, his short stories have been accepted by more than 190 literary and commercial journals, magazines, and anthologies including The Potomac Review, The Bitter Oleander, Shenandoah, and Conclave: A Journal of Character. He was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for his story “The Sweeper.” Terry is a retired urban planner and an accomplished jazz and blues guitarist – who once played with a symphony orchestra backing up jazz legend George Shearing. Brian Stumbaugh – Brian Stumbaugh is a writer and high school English teacher who lives in upstate New York. His fiction has appeared in Arbutus, The Square Table, Antithesis Common, and Stirring: A Literary Collection. Sheila Johnson – Sheila Johnson has done lots of different things to earn money, including freelance writing and editing, digitally restoring old comic book art, and helping to organize the Marvel Comics film archives. Currently, she works as a copywriter and lives outside of Chicago. You can read more about her on the blog she occasionally remembers to update at Carl Grafe – Carl Grafe lives with his family in the Salt Lake Valley, which he enjoys on days when it isn't snowing. His stories have appeared in The Colored Lens, Perihelion Science Fiction, Mad Scientist Journal, and elsewhere. He can be found online at Ken Poyner - Ken in the last forty years has appeared in more than 100 periodicals, both in print and on-line, such as The Alaska Quarterly Review, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Café Irreal, Cream City Review, The Journal of Microliterature, Mobius, and The Watershed Review. He has been nominated for at least three Pushcart Prizes and not won a single one. He is married to Karen Poyner, one of the world’s premier power lifters, and holder of more than a dozen current world powerlifting records. He is also the animal parent of four rescue cats and two brazenly self-satisfied fish. Kent McDaniel – Kent McDaniel is a Chicago-based musician and writer, who blogs at October, 2015 (Issue #10)Steve Simpson – Steve Simpson lives in Sydney, Australia mostly. He took up writing when the neighbors complained about the bagpipes, and his stories have appeared in various magazines and anthologies. His hobbies include experiments with time travel and the creation of negative light, and research on epileptic seizure detection. Web:
Cynthia Roby – Cynthia A. Roby currently lives in Bronx, New York. A freelance writer, her works of fiction and poetry have appeared in journals and chapbooks including The Manatee, Amoskeag, Voices of Brooklyn, and Writers from the Web. She has also penned several nonfiction books for young readers. Cynthia earned her MFA at Lindenwood University, specializing in fiction. Find her on Twitter: @CynthiaRoby. Steve Rodgers – Steve Rodgers is a writer of science fiction and fantasy, whose work has appeared in a variety of venues, including Perihelion, Electric Spec, NewMyths, and a variety of anthologies and on-line magazeines. You can contact him at Info(at)SteveRodgersAuthor(dot)com, or visit his website at Michael Kellichner – Michael Kellichner – Michael Kellichner is a poet and writer who received his BA from Lycoming College’s creative writing program. A poem of his can be found in Farrago's Wainscot. He is a native of Pennsylvania, but spends most of his time living in South Korea teaching English as a second language. Lisa Shapter – Lisa Shapter is an alumna of the Bread Loaf Young Writers’ Conference and a member of Codex Writers’ Group. She lives in New England and is completing a series of novels set in this story’s universe. Her novella A Day In Deep Freeze was published by Aqueduct Press this past Spring. Her work has appeared in Black Denim Lit, Four Star Stories, Kaleidotrope, and in the M-Brane-SF anthology, Things We Are Not. Michael Haynes – Michael Haynes lives in Central Ohio. An ardent short story reader and writer, Michael has had stories appear in venues such as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and Daily Science Fiction. His website is Alex Noll – Alex Noll is a student at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky. He is pursing degrees in History, Mathematics, and Political Science. Katherine Sanger – Katherine Sanger was a Jersey Girl before getting smart and moving to Texas. She's been published in various e-zines and print, including Baen's Universe, Black Chaos, Wandering Weeds, Spacesports & Spidersilk, Black Petals, Star*Line, Anotherealm, Lost in the Dark, Bewildering Stories, Aphelion, and RevolutionSF, edited From the Asylum, an e-zine of fiction and poetry, and is the current editor of “Serial Flasher,” a twitter-zine. She’s a member of HWA and SFWA. She taught English for over 10 years at various online and local community and technical colleges. Soar Hawk – Saor Hawk lives in Bloomington, Illinois, US. He dreams of making enough money as a writer to quit his job in the food-service industry and become a recluse. When not writing, sleeping, or cooking giant kettles of pasta sauce, he likes to listen to metal music, from which he draws many of the ideas for his short stories. Sarah Vernetti – Sarah Vernetti loves to write. When she isn’t writing about travel and the family-friendly side of Las Vegas, she’s busy crafting short stories and flash fiction. Sarah holds a Master's degree in art history from the University of Kansas. Find her on Twitter: @SarahVernetti. Jenny Maloney – Jenny Maloney is a writer and performer in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her short stories and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Pantheon, 42 Magazine, Shimmer, Skive, and others. She is an active ensemble member at the Springs Ensemble Theatre and the webmaster for her writers group, The Under Ground Writing Project. Hunter Liguore – Hunter Liguore is an American writer, with degrees in history and writing. Her published work has appeared internationally in: Bellevue Literary Review, The Irish Pages, Strange Horizons, Amazing Stories, Rattling Wall, among others. Her novel, "Next Breath," is represented by the Regal Literary Agency. Visit May, 2015 (Issue #9)J. M. Perkins – J. M. Perkins is a San Diego based genre fiction writer and former survivalist with over a dozen of his short stories sold, published, printed and adapted: on the web, in print anthologies, and on Public Radio International. He used a successful kickstarter campaign to publish his first novel, and co-hosts the podcast ‘John vs Patrick. ’ Learn more at www. jmperkins. com
S. L. Gilbow – S. L. Gilbow is a science fiction and fantasy writer whose short stories have appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Lightspeed, Rose Red Review, Swamp Biscuits and Tea, The Dark Magazine and the John Joseph Adams anthologies Federations and Brave New Worlds. A 2011 graduate of Clarion West Writers Workshop, Gilbow is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and navigator with over 2000 flying hours in the B-52. He currently teaches English at Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia. Visit S. L. Gilbow at Leanna Duncan – Leanna Duncan is an writer and poet living in Illinois. Her other work has appeared in Stylus. In her other life, Leanna Duncan is an aspiring historian about to start a Ph. D. program in History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She studies gender, sexuality, and women’s media culture in twentieth-century America. Sayantani Dasgupta – Sayantani Dasgupta’s essay Oscillation was the first runner up for Phoebe magazine’s 2014 Creative Nonfiction Contest. Her writing has appeared in several journals including SN Review and Gulf Stream. She is the nonfiction editor for Crab Creek Review and her hometown is the wonderfully chaotic Delhi, India. She teaches at the University of Idaho. Michael McGlade – Michael McGlade’s work has been published in Voluted Tales, Jupiter Magazine and the Mars-themed anthology Redshifted by Third Flatiron. He holds a master’s degree in English and Creative Writing from Queen’s University, Ireland. Nils Rasmussen – Nils Rasmussen is a Canadian student of psychology at Grant Macewan University in Edmonton. In his spare time, he has studied sci-fi from the 1940’s-60’s and hopes to recreate some of the magic from that time period in his writings. His literary idol is Robert Sheckley (author of “Dimension of Miracles” & “The Status Civilization”). “Sunny Side Up” is Rasmussen’s first attempt at writing a short story. Sherrel McLafferty – Sherrel McLafferty studies Creative Writing at Bowling Green State University. Most of her characters are broken emotionally, the type of people that run toward death with open arms and a house warming gift. Sherrel herself is fascinated with those people, they are reflective of something, either society or herself. She was a featured author in Flyover Country Review’s August issue. Michael Andre-Driussi – Michael Andre-Driussi has seen over two dozen of his stories published in such venues as Child of Words, Bastion, and ParaSpheres, but he is mainly known for his genre reference work in books like Snake’s-Hands: the Fiction of John Crowley, Lexicon Urthus: a Dictionary for the Urth Cycle, and the recent Handbook of Vance Space. He lives in the Bay Area, with a snorkel. Cooper Feste – Cooper Feste is a young man from Rockwall, Texas. His work has been recently published in Forge Journal. He enjoys a good beard and breakfast food. You can find him at or on twitter @cooperfeste Shawn Scarber – Shawn Scarber creates web applications for a major telecom company by day, but in his off hours he writes about strange worlds and characters. He lives in North Texas with his daughter and a cat. His work has appeared in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, The Best of Abyss & Apex, M-Brane SF, and his teenage zombie novella Restless is available on Amazon. He is a Clarion West 2006 graduate and a member of the Future Classics DFW Speculative Fiction Writing Group. René Solivan – René Solivan’s short stories have appeared in Stumble Magazine, River Poets Journal, Mosaic and The Northridge Review, among others. René is the winner of a MetLife National Playwriting Award and a Northridge Review Fiction Award for Outstanding Short Story. Rene is an MFA Candidate in Fiction at University of Nevada, Las Vegas’s MFA Creative Writing Program. December, 2014 (Issue #8)Joseph Christopher - Joe is an MFA student at Rutgers University Camden, NJ. He also performs in and writes for a sketch comedy web series called Living in 8 Bits. His most recent work appeared in Every Day Fiction.
Julie Reeser – Julie lives by a bubbling stream in Montana. She is the straight man in the comedy duo of her marriage. Her recent flash story can be found in Issue #2 at Timeless Tales Magazine. She can be found on the web – Persephone Knits (Blogspot) or on twitter@abetterjulie Lisa Shapter - Lisa is an alumna of the Bread Loaf Young Writers’ Conference and a member of Codex Writers’ Group. She has worked as an editor’s assistant for a major press, at several libraries, and has completed her apprenticeship to an antiquarian book dealer. She lives in New England and is completing a series of novels set in this story’s universe. She is a member of the Dramatists’ Guild of America. Noted stories: “Planet 50” in Black Denim Lit (forthcoming February 2014); “Searching” in Black Denim Lit; “Planet 38” in Four Star Stories (Summer 2013) Zack Miller - Zack quit his job in tech support to go back to college. He's currently in the Creative Writing program at University of Louisville. His close companions are a rabbit and a stray cat. Clarissa N G – Clarissa is a Singapore-based writer and a Curtis Brown Creative student. She's also a recipient of the National Arts Council grant. Her short stories have won several awards, and been published in The MacGuffin, Needle In The Hay, Math Paper Press and Writing the City. She is currently working on her first novel. Madeline Popelka - Madeline is a Wisconsin native. She recently graduated from Yale University, where she studied physics and creative writing. She currently spends her weekdays on a job in software. She occasionally posts to twitter@MadelinePopelka Cheryl McAlister - Cheryl received her BFA from RISD and an MFA in Visual Culture from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She is a former Associate Professor of fine arts, an award winning painter, and a published illustrator whose work has appeared in Cobblestone Magazine and several textbooks for children. These days, Sheri lives on a hobby farm in central Vermont with her husband, Rick, where they produce much of their own food and regularly find new ways to become dirty and exhausted. Ben Spies - Ben works for a nonprofit organization in Chicago and is in a band every so often. His work has appeared in Curbside Splendor and his fiction zines, No More Coffee and Tape Hiss. He can be found on his porch with a beer. Josh Roseman - Josh Roseman (not the trombonist; the other one) lives in Georgia. His fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Escape Pod and the Crossed Genres anthology Fat Girl in a Strange Land, among others. His voice has been heard around the fiction podosphere as well, including on Escape Pod, Pseudopod, the Dunesteef, the Drabblecast, and all of the District of Wonders podcasts. Find him online at, or on Twitter @listener42. Ken Poyner - Ken in the last forty years has appeared in more than 100 periodicals, both in print and on-line, such as The Alaska Quarterly Review, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Café Irreal, Cream City Review, The Journal of Microliterature, Mobius, and The Watershed Review. He has been nominated for at least three Pushcart Prizes and not won a single one. He is married to Karen Poyner, one of the world’s premier power lifters, and holder of more than a dozen current world powerlifting records. He is also the animal parent of four rescue cats and two brazenly self-satisfied fish. August, 2014 (Issue #7)Robert Stiles - Robert Stiles was educated at Columbia University. He is a fiction and poetry writer that teaches English at Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta. He loves playing his guitars in the morning and reading his books at night.
Tiffany Michelle Brown - Tiffany Brown is a native of Phoenix, Arizona, and received degrees in English and Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. When she isn't writing, Tiffany can be found on a yoga mat, sipping whiskey, or baking cupcakes. Read more of Tiffany's work at Rhoads Brazos - Rhoads lacks his wife’s classiness, his son’s genius, and his house cat’s fearsome nature. His life is a simple one, Rockwellian with a touch of morbid fancy. He transcribes his dreams into prose and shares them with the unsuspecting. Somehow, his work has seeped into this space and other unknowing venues, including: Apex Magazine, Demon Rum and Other Evil Spirits Anthology, Gaia: Shadow & Breath Anthology, and Spark, A Creative Anthology V. John Dromey - John H. Dromey was born in northeast Missouri. He’s had short fiction published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Gumshoe Review, Plan B Magazine, Plasma Frequency Magazine, Woman’s World (a mini-mystery), and elsewhere, as well as in a number of anthologies. Kate Morrow - Formerly the Alpha of a secret werewolf army created out of her classroom, Kate Morrow is currently a resident of the Los Angeles area. When not beating her face against a keyboard, Kate can be found discussing all things nerd. Follow her on Twitter (@MKate04) for writerly updates and progress reports on the world domination of the werewolf-students. Scott Blankenship - Scott Blankenship received his MFA in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts from the University of California, Riverside. He lives in foggy Aptos, California with his wife, Cynthia, and their cat, Milo. In addition to writing short stories, Scott is hard at work on his first novel. Sean Monaghan - Sean Monaghan works as an educator in a busy public library. His stories have appeared in Asimovs, Perihelion and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, among others. He was the Grand Prize winner in the 2014 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest. Web: Linda Boroff - Linda Boroff graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in English. Her fiction has been published in Epoch (Cornell University), Prism International (University of British Columbia, Vancouver), Cimarron Review, Hobart, Word Riot, In Posse Review, Storyglossia, The Summerset Review, JMWW, and other journals. Her novella, A Season of Turbulence, was published in print in The Conium Review. Her short story was a winner of the Eric Hoffer Prose Competition and appeared in the anthology, Best New Writing 2011. She adapted the biography, Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye: The Barbara Payton Story, by John O'Dowd, into a screenplay currently in development with producers Ira Besserman and Barrett Stuart. She was hired to write the film, Murder in Fashion, which played at festivals and theaters in 2010. Her short story, "Light Fingers," and the adapted screenplay are under option to director Brad Furman (The Lincoln Lawyer). Her articles have appeared on McSweeney’s, Gawker and other online publications. July, 2014 (Issue #6)Kelly Schrock - When Kelly was a child she pried a cocoon from its hiding place in the back yard, tore off its protective woolly covering, and left it in a box in her room lined with tissue paper. She never saw the moth emerge but there are still blood stains on the curtains of her childhood where it clutched, fanning first wing beats. She hopes it escaped captivity to taste cool night air. She has been published in Salmon Creek Journal and can be found on Goodreads and LibraryThing.
Zack Miller - Zack Miller quit a job in tech support to go back to college. He's currently an undergraduate in the Creative Writing program at the University of Louisville. His story was workshopped there. Ethan Fast - Ethan Fast writes from Stanford, California. He can be found on and Geoffrey W. Cole - Geoff’s short fiction has appeared in such publications as Kaleidotrope, Clarkesworld, Intergalactic Medicine Show, and Imaginarium 2012: The Year's Best Canadian Speculative Writing. Geoff has degrees in biology and engineering, and lives with his wonderful wife in Vancouver, Canada. He teaches writing with the Booming Ground program at the University of British Columbia. Geoff is a member of SF Canada and SFWA. Visit Geoff at Matthew Di Paoli - Matthew Di Paoli received his BA at Boston College where he won the Dever Fellowship and the Cardinal Cushing Award for Creative Writing. He recently finished his MFA at Columbia University for Fiction. He has been published in Carte Blanche, Blue Penny Quarterly, Poydras Review, Pithead Chapel, Gigantic, FictionWeek Literary Review, Ascent Aspirations, Newport Review, and Post Road literary magazines among others. Currently he's publishing a novel entitled Killstanbul with El Balazo Media, shopping a novel entitled Holliday, and is teaching Writing and Literature at Monroe College. M.T. O’Byrne - M.T. O’Byrne writes fiction and poetry. He is an English writer, but is living in Europe to save enough money to buy a canal boat. He is also working on a novel. T.D. Edge - T.D. Edge ran away from home to travel around Britain, becoming a street theatre performer, props maker for the Welsh Opera, sign writer, schools caretaker, soft toys salesman, and professional palm-reader at Pink Floyd gigs. This gave him plenty of stuff to write about. His children's novels have been published by Random House, Scholastic, Hutchinson and others. His adult short fiction has appeared in places such as Flash Fiction Online, Penumbra, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Realms of Fantasy. In 2012, he won the New Scientist/Arc Magazine SF short fiction competition. Terry is also a creative writing teacher, working with groups and individuals, also tutoring with government departments and Denman College. He can be found on the web,, Goodreads and Amazon. Benjamin Schachtman - Benjamin Schachtman is a writer and teacher, currently in the midst of a nasty divorce from New York City. He's a fiction editor and contributor at Anobium Literary; his work has appeared in print in Anobium, The Conium Review and the Bad Version, and online at Slushpile Magazine, Ozone Park Review, Foundling Review, Vine Leaves Journal, and others. June, 2014 (Issue #5)Daniel Moore - Daniel Moore is a short story author from New York City. His work has been featured in several speculative fiction publications, most recently in Mystery and Horror LLC's Mardi Gras Murder, ISBN: 978-0989007689. You can visit him by contacting his author profile at
Sarah Vernetti - Sarah Vernetti is a freelance travel writer from Las Vegas, Nevada. Her work has appeared in Desert Companion, Luxury Las Vegas, and Global Living, and her flash fiction has been published in Postcard Shorts and A Story in 100 Words. Sarah holds a Master’s degree in Art History from the University of Kansas. She can be found on Suzanne Burns - The story, The Line of Fate, is included in Suzanne's new in-progress story collection, The Veneration of Monsters. Dzanc Books published her debut collection, Misfits and Other Heroes, ISBN: 978-0981589961. She is currently working on a poetry sequence about visiting Area 51 in Nevada. Michael Haynes - Michael Haynes lives in Central Ohio. An ardent short story reader and writer, Michael has had stories appear in venues such as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and Daily Science Fiction. He is Co-Editor at Goldfish Grimm's Spicy Fiction Sushi. His website is John Pace - As a longtime civil rights attorney, John has written many thousands of pages of purported nonfiction. After so many opposing counsel claimed his legal memoranda were pure fiction, he threw in the towel and now writes full time. John lives in Salt Lake City with his partner, Elaine, the most supportive wife ever, and two of their three children (the third is off to college). You may find him on Twitter and Facebook. Elaine Olund - Elaine Olund is a writer, designer and artist living in Cincinnati, Ohio. She divides her work time between running her graphic design business and fiction-writing. Her short fiction has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, 38th Parallel Magazine, and many others. She recently completed her first novel, The Last Butterfly, a coming of age tale set in 2195, in the ‘Dead Zone’ of Indiana, and has a second novel underway. Find her at, and @elaineolund on Twitter. Janet Slike - Janet Slike is a freelance writer and editor living in Dublin, Ohio with her husband and two cats. Her short stories have been published by Taproot Literary Review, The Zodiac Review, Antique Children, and the Columbus Creative Cooperative and can be found on Sean Monaghan - Sean Monaghan works as an educator in a busy public library. His stories have appeared in Perihelion, Aurealis and The Colored Lens, among others. His website is The previous BDLit Stories by Sean Monaghan: “800” - Issue #2, Mar, 2014. Also on Twitter: @seanmmonaghan May, 2014 (Issue #4)Susan Sage - Susan Sage is the author of Insominy ( as well as a plethora of poems and stories. She received her B.A. in English from Wayne State University and has taken graduate courses in English at University of Michigan-Flint. A former teacher, she is now moonlighting as a high school English tutor. She is currently working on her next novel. Her writing has been published in The Green Hills Literary Lantern, Rockhurst Review, The MacGuffin, Passages North, Metis, Qua, Corridors and The Wire.
Michael Reilly - Michael Reilly’s fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, SWARM, Confrontation, Storychord, A Twist of Noir and The Glens Falls Review. Reilly’s work was nominated for the 2013 Best of the Net anthology. He lives in northwestern Connecticut. Lela Marie De La Garza - Lela Marie De La Garza has had work published in “Behind Closed Doors”, “Pound of Flash”, “ChickLit”, “Daily Romance”, “Creepy Gnome,” and “Mad March Hare.” She was born in Denver, CO. in 1943 while her father was serving in WWII. She currently resides in San Antonio, Texas with three and a half cats, and a visiting raccoon. Alan Bray - Alan Bray, a Detroit native, has been a record store clerk, factory worker, musician and then psychotherapist in Michigan and Illinois. Sixteen years ago, he moved his family to New Hampshire, where he began writing fiction. Bray’s recent short stories have appeared in Per Contra, The Citron Review, 10,000 Tons of Black Ink (Pushcart nominated), and Ink and Coda. His novel The Hour of Parade is available on Amazon and his novella, The Puppet’s Tattered Clothes will be published this summer by Bartleby Snopes. Also Konstantine Paradias - Konstantine Paradias is a jeweler by profession and a writer by choice. His short stories have been published in Third FlatIron’s Lost Worlds anthology, Unidentified Funny Objects! 2 and the LeoDeGraunce flash Fiction Anthology. His short story, “How You Ruined Everything” has been included in Tangent Online’s 2013 recommended SF reading list and his short story “The Grim” has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Also Dave Morehouse - Dave Morehouse writes music, poetry, and short fiction. Recent work has been published in Black Heart Magazine, Every Day Poets, Crack the Spine, Blink Ink, Every Day Fiction, and various online and print journals. He is the editor for the online zine, Postcard Poems and Prose. In spare moments he plays fiddle and concertina by Lake Superior in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Ken Poyner - Ken Poyner often serves as unlikely eye-candy at his wife’s power-lifting meets. His latest collection of brief, quizzical fictions, “Constant Animals”, can be located through links on his website,, Amazon and at a number of impressionable bookstores. He has had recent work out in “Analog”, “Asimov’s”, “Poet Lore”, “Sein und Werden”, “Cream City Review”, “Menacing Hedge” and a few dozen other places. He and his wife strive to be responsible cat and fish parents. April, 2014 (Issue #3)Bob Carlton - Bob Carlton lives and works in Garland, Texas. The BDLit Stories by Bob Carlton: “A Lesson from the Road” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Twitter
Phil Richardson - Phil Richardson has written over 150 short stories of which seventy have been published. He lives in Athens, Ohio with his wife, Joyce, who is also a writer. Two of his stories were nominated for Pushcart Prize in Fiction awards and several stories have placed in fiction contests. His work has appeared in: on-line and print magazines and in twenty anthologies. The BDLit Stories by Phil Richardson: “Our Immortal Souls” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Amazon. Michael Fontana - Michael Fontana is the author of two published novels, SLEEPING WITH GODS and THE SACRED MACHINE. He lives and writes in beautiful Bella Vista, Arkansas. The BDLit Stories by Michael Fontana: “Maps and Miracles” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on: Goodreads and Amazon. Oscar Windsor-Smith - Oscar Windsor-Smith lives in Hertfordshire, UK. He has fiction, non-fiction and a smattering of poetry published in diverse places, in print and online. He was a finalist in the New York City Midnight Short Story Challenge 2012 and was shortlisted for the University of Plymouth’s Short Fiction competition 2013. The BDLit Stories by Oscar Windsor-Smith: “Tailing the Blond Satan” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Twitter. Craig Temple - Craig Temple writes from Gastown, the Victorian-era old quarter of a much younger Vancouver, Canada. By day, he makes his living writing imaginative grant proposals for the technology world. By night, he is most often found inside his own head, imagining what, in our technological world, we take for granted. His work has previously appeared on CBC Canada Writes. The BDLit Stories by Craig Temple: “Best Baby” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Twitter. Steven Crandell - Steven Crandell is the father of four children. They are all loving, bright and funny. He is very proud of them. (And thoroughly objective in his analysis.) Steven helps develop and coordinate story and strategy for organizations to improve outreach, productivity and effectiveness. Nonprofit foundations are a particular focus. Current projects include writing for the Annenberg Foundation and writing a series of donor guides for high net worth individuals and families for Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Steven is the author of the book, Silver Tongue — Secrets of Mr. Santa Barbara (2007). (It’s about his dad, Larry Crandell — also loving, bright and funny.) He writes poetry for and blogs on Huffington Post. The BDLit Stories by Steven Crandell: “Into Open Hands” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on Goodreads and Twitter. Chad Greene - Chad Greene is a graduate of the Master of Professional Writing Program at the University of Southern California, Chad Greene is an assistant professor of English at Cerritos College. Whenever he isn’t planning lessons or grading papers, he is attempting to put together a novel-in-stories tentatively titled Trips and Falls. The BDLit Stories by Chad Greene: “Drill & Kill” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on Goodreads and Twitter. March, 2014 (Issue #2)David W. Landrum teaches Literature at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. He has published over a hundred short stories in various journals and anthologies. His novel, The Sorceress of the Northern Seas, is available from Netherworld Books, UK, through Amazon; his novellas, Strange Brew and The Gallery are also available from Amazon. He can be found on Lucid Rhythms. The BDLit Stories by David W. Landrum: "The Way to Shangri-La" - Mar, 2014.
Ted Morrissey holds a Ph.D. in English studies and is an adjunct lecturer in English at University of Illinois Springfield and in the Writing and Publishing Program at Benedictine University Springfield, where he's a reader for Quiddity international literary journal and public-radio program. He is the author of the novels An Untimely Frost and Men of Winter, as well as the novelette Figures in Blue. His short fiction has appeared in nearly twenty journals, including Glimmer Train Stories, The Chariton Review, and PANK. He's also published the monograph, The Beowulf Poet and His Real Monsters. Please see for further information. The BDLit Stories by Ted Morrissey: "Scent of Darkness" - Mar, 2014. Sean Monaghan works as an educator in a busy public library. His stories have appeared in Perihelion, Aurealis and The Colored Lens, among others. Website: The BDLit Stories by Sean Monaghan: "800" - Mar, 2014. February, 2014 (Issue #1)George Burdick lives in Gatlinburg, Tennessee at the foot of the Smokey Mountains, riding an aerial tram through a forest to work every day. Visit all the George Burdick's in the world at The BDLit stories by George Burdick: "Can and Should" - Feb, 2014.